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hold verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
held, has held, is holding, holds
aguantar, resistir; tener; detener, controlar; ser válido, valer; agarrar, coger; sujetar, mantener fijo; contener, dar cabida a; sostener; considerar; celebrar (una reunión), realizar (un evento), mantener (una conversación)

Ejemplos de uso de
hold verb

  • Hold the rail so you won't fall.
  • He was holding a large package in his arms.
  • Would you hold this for me?
  • She showed him the correct way to hold the racket.
  • Some people just don't like to be held.
  • He held her close and kissed her.
  • He held the pen in his mouth while he dialed the number.
  • Hold the pen upright when you write.
  • She picked up the trophy and held it over her head.
  • You have to hold the button down for several seconds.

more determiner

unfavorite favorite play sound

one adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
un, una; mismo, misma; alguno, alguna; un

Ejemplos de uso de
one adjective

  • There is one minute left in the game.
  • I have a few one-dollar bills in my purse.
  • She is one year old.

Sinónimos de
one adjective